December 2, 2008

My Orchids Are Blooming!!

What a Beautiful way to begin the day! I came into my dining room this morning and what do I see? My two orchids are blooming together!! These girls are several years old, maybe 7 or 8 years, and they have never, ever bloomed at the same time! What a Marvelous gift! I love orchids and I have kept them for probably 20 years now, and these two are the only ones that have ever bloomed year after year. I bought very expensive orchids at flower shops, nurseries, etc. These two....Walmart!!!! How funny!! In the spring and summer, I keep them outside underneath a balcony patio along with all of my other plant friends. I bring them in before the first frost, and look at them! Bloomin' to beat the band! I will post some pictures of them when they open, they are just a delight to have all winter long! My last flowers bloomed from December until June! It is difficult to look at the beauties and not see the Creators' handiwork. I'm so thankful for the beauty that surrounds us, for the small things, for the wonder of nature. I can't wait for you to see the flowers! Stay won't be long now!! Blessings~


  1. oh I can't wait to see them when they bloom! how funny that the ones from Wal-Mart are doing so well!!

