July 11, 2009

~Hanging on for Dear Life~

Good Morning Dear Friends, I just had to post this photo of my Freeway! As you may know, one of my most favorite plants are the Hoya. My dear husband's stepmother Georgia sent this plant to me about 10 years ago as a clipping through the mail. I have watched it grow and grow, but up until we moved into this new home, and rested it in it's new place, it had never flowered. Now, it has flowers all over it! I have posted pictures of the flowers before on this blog. The other night, I asked my 6'1" hubby to stand by it, so that I could take a picture with perspective on the size of the plant....well, he had just gotten home from work and wanted to take a shower before pictures....(you know the story). Since I am rather an impatient personality...I enlisted my pal Freeway to help! She's camera-shy, also a bit impatient. So I had to place her by the plant and said,"Stay!" Well, just look at the poor dear creature! She has enough trouble just walking on these floors, asking her to stay in this awkward position was just a little too much for her!! I was so focused on the plant...I didn't even realize how unhappy she looked! When I uploaded the picture onto my computer screen and saw the look on her face...her splayed back legs! It's a wonder she could even sit up at all!!! I had to run into the kitchen and give her a treat for putting up with all of my shinanigans! My husband said, "Oh yea...she looks happy alright, just like when I used to give her lawn tractor rides." It's true...my husband used to put her on the lawn tractor and ride her around the block! He was convinced that she liked it! One day, I snapped a photograph of her taking a ride. When my hubby saw it he realized that she didn't care for the ride at all. Her ears were down, her eyes had a look of sheer terror, her toes were spread out just trying to hang on. He never took her on a ride again. But....she does like to follow the tractor around the yard while he is mowing. Poor Darling!


  1. Don't know why...but, my Mia always has a sad look in photos also,,,,,unlike Max, who is a camera hog!!

    Enjoy her.....LindaMay

  2. I was just thinking, Poor Freeway, her little hips are splayed!! But, they sure do anything we ask of them don't they? Your plant is pretty cool too. But freeway is the better of this photo. :)

  3. Freeway you're such a sweetie!...oh the things we ask our pets to do...lol...thx for sharing!

  4. I miss Freeway...oh and you guys too, ofcourse! :-} Love the plant, the blooms are so unusual.

  5. That plant is gorgeous. Don't you think you could strung a cookie or something from the plant for your loyal friend. Give him something to sit for whilst sliding away from the frame of the pic. What a sweet dog you have. Reminds me of my beloved.

    Thank you for your kind words today. God sure does bring in the blessings when it's turned over to him.

  6. poor Freeway! we have hardwood floors here and Koda can't get any traction when he wants to run around here; I'm surprised he hasn't slid into any furniture when he takes off to run fast

    Freeway is a trooper to sit still and to stay when you were taking the picture; awesome plant!


  7. Dear Sharon ~~ Welcome to my blog
    and I am so glad you enjoyed the jokes and had a good laugh.
    Your blog looks very nice also. As
    you probably know I live in Australia and I have that lovely
    plant that you have. It is called
    Hoya Bella. (meaning white I think)
    Mine is on the porch in a large hanging basket and I love it.
    Take care, my new friend,
    Love, Merle. Your sewing and craftwork look wonderful.
